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Day of the Dead (November 1st - 3rd) guide
СтражСмертиДата: Вторник, 01/11/2016, 5.51.40 PM | Сообщение # 1
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День мертвых runs from November 1st-3rd to close out Hallow's End. We've whipped up a small guide so you can know the quests and achievement for the event; make sure you don't skip out if you're an achievement hunter, as it boasts one achievement that you can only get for a few days!

New to 2014 are costumes like  Костюм борца "Демон ночи" and related achievements such as  Калавера!Day of the Dead CostumesThe costumes are:  Костюм борца "Пурпурный призрак" Костюм борца "Демон ночи" Костюм борца "Белоснежная сова" Костюм борца "Солнце Санто" Костюм борца "Роза в цвету". They can be purchased from Чепман for 100 each. The costume buff lasts for 5 minutes and is removable, and you can reapply the buff every minute. As of 2015, they are now toys that fit into the Toy Box!


When you don a disguise, you gain one of three random abilities via an action button. Another random ability appears after you use the first:

As the abilities hit for a percentage of health, taking off any armor will not speed the process up if you are trading duels with a friend. You will die when you lose a duel but you will not lose durability while dying with the costume on though. To avoid a rez timer, do it inside an instance.AchievementsIn 2014, a new achievement series was added for battling other contenders while in fancy disguises.

Achievement series:

This achievement series does not need to be completed during День мертвых, but you can only purchase the contender outfits during День мертвых. These outfits are then able to be used throughout the entire year.

The following chart shows what percentage of Wowhead users with Profiles have completed each Day of the Dead achievement:

Вечеринка мертвецовВ загробную жизньКак ветер!Калавера0102030405060708090100Данные из Профилей на WowheadВ загробную жизнь: 25%Event BasicsTip: Get some  Простая мука and  Ледяное молоко (at least 1 of each) before heading to a graveyard. This will save you traveling time when doing the quest below.

To take part in the events festivities, you must first locate Catrina, an undead female (and a reference to La Calavera Catrina), who can be found near the graveyard of any capital city. She will give you some information regarding the holiday itself, and it is most important that you remember to /dance with her--upon doing so, you will earn  Вечеринка мертвецов. You will also gain the buff  Поминовение усопших, which will change you into either Catrina or her male counterpart, Chapman, for twelve hours.Quests for  Мрачная марионеткаThe only quest available during the event is The Grateful Dead, and this quest can only be completed once. The quest will only be available at your race's home city unless you have access to Шаттрат or Даларан where the quest can be completed by any race/faction, including Pandaren.

RaceGraveyardCoords (click for map) Эльф кровиSilvermoon City48.0, 49.4 ДренейExodar47.6, 55.8 ДворфIronforge61.6, 37.4 ГномIronforge61.6, 37.4 ГоблинOrgrimmar47.2, 18.0 ЧеловекStormwind47.6, 26.6 Ночной эльфDarnassus69.8, 40.6 ОркOrgrimmar47.2, 18.0 ПандаренDalaranAldorScryer34.6, 38.639.8, 21.839.8, 21.8 ТауренThunder Bluff56.8, 17.6 ТролльOrgrimmar47.2, 18.0 НежитьUndercity68.2, 15.2 ВоргенDarnassus69.8, 40.6

In order to obtain this quest, you must first purchase either an  Оранжевые бархатцы or a  Букет оранжевых бархатцевfrom Чепман, the vendor located near Catrina at any city graveyard. The difference between the two items is that one is a single-use consumed item that will only last the duration of the event while the other is a re-usable permanent offhand, though its use will only function during the event as well (similar to Сад чудес's  Корзина для яиц).

Use the flower at the city graveyard to allow your character to see the cheerful spirit remaining there. The spirit will offer you the quest, The Grateful Dead, requesting that you bring the spirit an offering of food--in this case,  Поминальный хлеб (orPan de Muerto).

The  Поминальный хлеб recipe requires 1 Cooking skill to learn, and the recipe can be purchased from the graveyard vendor Chapman. Simply whip up a batch of tasty bread and bring it to the cheerful spirit. The  Простая мука can be found from Cooking Suppliers in major cities and  Ледяное молоко is sold by many NPCs including Innkeepers and Food and Drink vendors.

You will be rewarded the  Мрачная марионетка--an awesome skeleton pet wearing a sombrero and wielding maracas! As of 2013 this pet is now a permanent companion and battle pet. It's an Undead pet with the following abilities:  Жуткий маракас Смерть и разложение Вечеринка мертвецов Костяной укус Вытягивание жизниОбстрел костями. This pet is especially useful against Dragonkin because  Жуткий маракас deals more damage to Dragonkin while Undead pets take 33% less damage from Dragonkin.Special Items
e are a few other unique items that can be obtained during this holiday, though none are permanent. In addition to selling the flowers required for the Grateful Dead quest ( Оранжевые бархатцы and  Букет оранжевых бархатцев) and the  Рецепт: поминальный хлеб, Chapman also sells the following seasonal faire:

Be sure to take a tour of the various faction graveyards while using  Оранжевые бархатцы: each has different NPCs dancing around the graves, which have unique holiday decorations. The Stormwind graveyard is especially notable for its numerous decorations.

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